
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Origin of Shamsha Doleb.

Perched on the other side of Daga dzong, with verdant landscape of settlement is the valley of  Khebisa.  In the past, the valley was known to be Dargayling. During the reign of Dagap Penlop, history has it that Dagana comprises three valleys, Peling (Tseza gewog), Lhaling (Kana Gewog) and Dargayling (Khebisa Gewog) and they were collectively called  Daga Lingsum which can still be heard today.    Khebisa is hardly known for origin of its most evanescent song called ' Shamsha Doleb ', a song unique to Dagana. Locals claimed, the song was born in an auspicious time when Zhabdrung Jigme Chogyel, a mind reincarnation of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, visited the place called Gangkha in Khebisa Gewog. .  In the Bhutanese contexts,  Shamsha  literally refers to  Beneath  and  Doleb  meaning S tone Slab.  So the title of song was found to be originated from a laid stone slabs on which Zhabdrung took a seat. Today, people have been preserving this fixed stone slab for an indication of his