
To the Nature Lovers

Dagana is not just a historic place, it is one of the Hotspot of healthy biodiversity in the country. With 80% of land under forest cover, nature remains as an valuable asset to district. Dagana is very little known to the outsiders that it is indeed a paradise for bird lovers. Besides, cultural experiences, travelers can have nature exploration too. Spring and Autumn are the best seasons. The seasons with full of diverse festivals and setting becomes incredibly clear for bird watchers. Dagana cannot be a last choice to travel because you know very little. It is indeed a great place to take the road less travelled and discover so many untold stories of Daga Tashiyangtse.

𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥

This is a favorite representation I have ever learnt until today. The four glasses model exhibit four types of leadership that unambiguously ubiquitous in all level of individual to organizations. The characteristics of each glasses is described as follow. (Right - Left) 1. In the first glass of water, soil is added. Soon after the soil is added, the color of water changed to brownish, become unclean, not clear and dirty. Here, water resembles community or organization and soil as leader. From this experiment, we can conclude that this kind of leadership will just impoverish the organization and everybody in the system will sink in the ocean of corruption just because of one rotten apple of leadership. 2. Similarly, a few stones are added in the second glass of water. After a few seconds, very little or no changes in the color of water and characteristics of stones are observed. This indicate that if leaders are like stones, absorption capacity is zero meaning no opinions and ide

Dungchen Menchu

  A massive hole that you see on a giant rock is not a artificial tunnel. It is a sacred tunnel from which a large trumpet was said to have discovered. The trumpet was a hidden treasure of Guru Rinpochoe. The local has story that a pair of trumpet was supposed to be discovered from the same rock however with fall of dawn, the other one remained inside. Its evident can still be seen on the rock with its bulged mark.  Today people from across the country started visiting Dagana on religious trip. Besides Dagana has a reservoir of rich cultural and religious site,  Dunchen Menchu is one of the attraction place for visitors. It is located just below Daga Dzong, A 20minutes walk or 10 minutes ride form Dzong. People visit here to take bath and fetch water emerging from the hole. The water is considered a medicinal and  it is believed to have healing elements for different diseases.  Don't miss an opportunity to visit here if you happen to be in Dagana. Dungchen Menchu is very auspicious

The Origin of Shamsha Doleb.

Perched on the other side of Daga dzong, with verdant landscape of settlement is the valley of  Khebisa.  In the past, the valley was known to be Dargayling. During the reign of Dagap Penlop, history has it that Dagana comprises three valleys, Peling (Tseza gewog), Lhaling (Kana Gewog) and Dargayling (Khebisa Gewog) and they were collectively called  Daga Lingsum which can still be heard today.    Khebisa is hardly known for origin of its most evanescent song called ' Shamsha Doleb ', a song unique to Dagana. Locals claimed, the song was born in an auspicious time when Zhabdrung Jigme Chogyel, a mind reincarnation of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, visited the place called Gangkha in Khebisa Gewog. .  In the Bhutanese contexts,  Shamsha  literally refers to  Beneath  and  Doleb  meaning S tone Slab.  So the title of song was found to be originated from a laid stone slabs on which Zhabdrung took a seat. Today, people have been preserving this fixed stone slab for an indication of his

My First Blog

Who Want to be in Rural? On the way rushing up towards project sites, a spectacular scene of a couple and a son harvesting vegetables just above the road stopped us. It is neither early nor late but timeless for our farmers continuously feeding us in all the time. We were immeasurably delighted to witness our growers exercising the larger scale of farming.       For  the last decades, Agriculture in Bhutan saw only for self consumption and opportunity of expanding it to commercial purpose was hardly taken up by very few or none. This may be the scarce of latest  technological inputs which inhibited the interest of our producer in extensive commercial production. One of the keystone aspect of success in commercial farming is accessibility to basic infrastructures such as roads, markets, technical supports and farmers training.  Recognizing the Agriculture in Bhutan as a dominant role in country's economy, Royal Government of Bhutan, in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and


Kuzuzangpo and Welcome to my Blog I am Pema Jamtsho, born in 1991 in eastern Bhutan, Trashigang. I graduated from Sherubtse College in 2016 with BSc. Environment Science. I worked as National Contract Teacher for almost 2 years in Yonphula Lower Secondary School and I am currently in Dagana, serving in one of the remote gewog.   I have long been yearning for this kind of online space to keep my stories alive and create reminiscences of transition happening with the running time. Yet it has been only a desire as I never had an idea that blogging is a beautiful forum for second world we can ever invent online.  Since I was born and brought up in underdeveloped village, life in the rural domain is glorious, embedded in beautiful patterns of settlements, cultures, events, community and family association..etc.  yet it can never be no bitter with opportunities.  While everything is in transition, our agrarian society is experiencing tremendous challenges and opportunities that these must ne