
Kuzuzangpo and Welcome to my Blog

I am Pema Jamtsho, born in 1991 in eastern Bhutan, Trashigang. I graduated from Sherubtse College in 2016 with BSc. Environment Science. I worked as National Contract Teacher for almost 2 years in Yonphula Lower Secondary School and I am currently in Dagana, serving in one of the remote gewog.  

I have long been yearning for this kind of online space to keep my stories alive and create reminiscences of transition happening with the running time. Yet it has been only a desire as I never had an idea that blogging is a beautiful forum for second world we can ever invent online. 

Since I was born and brought up in underdeveloped village, life in the rural domain is glorious, embedded in beautiful patterns of settlements, cultures, events, community and family association..etc.  yet it can never be no bitter with opportunities. 

While everything is in transition, our agrarian society is experiencing tremendous challenges and opportunities that these must never let go in silence. The olden forms of perceptions or beliefs are given no more importance as it was to be.  The culture and traditions are richly diverse in rural areas yet it is hardly celebrated. Community engagement was immensely strong in the ancient history but rarely embrace with passing time. The community events which have been now shrinking were used to periodically and purposefully organize in local association in a beautiful way. All these magnificent glorious of  rural activities are already started fading, leaving only the intangible oral history. So, I am on this blog to save all the wonderful and graceful aspects of rural community online so that every future generation knows in in touch with all the generation's aspect. 

Thank You.   



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